Callie Alexander

Callie Alexander is a graphic designer from Tampa, Florida. Her design work and projects are heavily influenced by retro fashion, pop music, movies, and pop culture. Callie strives to utilize her design skills to reflect positivity, enthusiasm, and excitement. As someone who is passionate about design experimentation, Callie tends to lean towards a maximalist approach. She enjoys being playful with textures, colors, photos, and typefaces. Feminism and gender equality is an important theme that appears throughout Callie’s work. Her hope as a designer is to spark inspiration and determination within viewers of her work, the same way other female artists have inspired and motivated her.

DISCIPLINE: Marketing & Branding


Zodiac: Scorpio

favorite hex code: #ff6850

favorite Emoji: 🧚‍♀️

rgb or cmyk: cmyk

Featured Project

Bite Me

Violence against women spans culture, age, race, location, class, upbringing, and more. We exist in an inherently misogynistic society where rather than seeing women as human beings with thoughts, emotions, and feelings, men view women as objects to be desired. Throughout our lives, we are subjected to advertisements that depict women as faceless, weak, submissive, frail, and sexually explicit. Men don’t own us. Bite Me is a self defense brand that strives to give women the opportunity to take back our power and create our own narrative – one where female rage is not only acceptable, but encouraged. The brand includes products such as pepper spray, sirens, stun guns, and more.