Mia Fisher

Hey there! I’m Mia, an elaborate storyteller, graphic designer, and a girl who loves a good book. Having recently graduated from the University of Florida with a BFA in Graphic Design, paired with a minor in English, I am currently based in Sarasota, Florida. ​ Design is the medium I use to tell my stories, and although storytelling is my strong suit, I also specialize in branding & identity, print & publication design, and illustration. A keen attention to detail combined with excitement for starting something new results in projects that invite viewers to read between the lines. ​ Everyone and everything has a story, and I’m the person who just loves to tell them.

DISCIPLINE: Multidisciplinary



favorite hex code: #038C65

favorite Emoji: 🕺

rgb or cmyk: cmyk

Featured Project

Time Out Journal

A prompt-style journal with 19 spreads of stress-reducing techniques geared towards elementary school age children. The hope is that a child could easily pull out the journal, flip to any page, and put their feelings, and therefore themselves, in time out.