Bradley Blanton

My name is Bradley Blanton and I am a queer, non-binary graphic designer born and raised in Tampa, Florida. As a queer designer, I am interested in queering the field of design and expressing my own queer identity through my work. When designing, I find myself drawing inspiration from many places, the majority having something to do with the formation of my identity. Growing up in a predominantly conservative area, I turned to a wide variety of media and the internet as a sort of escape. Because of this, cinema, music, and the internet have had a lasting impact on not only myself but also on my design practice. As someone who likes to experiment a lot within their practice, I have grown familiar with a wide variety of mediums and styles of design. This practice of experimentation has not only led me to grow more confident in myself, my practice, and my ideas, but I have been able to develop my own voice, one that is inherently queer. I enjoy working primarily on large scale projects, including visual systems and campaigns.

DISCIPLINE: Multidisciplinary

Favorite Typeface: neue montreal

Zodiac: sagittarius

favorite hex code: #b4da55

favorite Emoji: 😼

rgb or cmyk: RGB

Featured Project

Queering the campus

Queering the Campus is a zine-manifesto calling for college campuses to be more inclusive and accepting of their queer student and faculty. From my own college experience, I have found that while college campuses are not necessarily anti-queer, they do not contribute to supporting and promoting the queer community. With Queering the Campus, I point out these flaws and provide opportunities to discuss these issues, ultimately dismantling the heteropatriarchal ideals that college campuses are built upon.