Anastasia Aristigueta

Anastasia Aristiguieta is a Venezuelan Graphic Designer based in Miami, Florida. By getting her inspiration on what motivates her, Anastasia has created her own design style, specially when it comes to re-branding; she is a professional on visual innovations for companies. Working as a freelance graphic designer while finishing college, Aristiguieta has built an extensive portfolio of her previous work, not only including her designs, but also her ideas surrounding each project, including, packaging design, marketing strategies, customer service improvement, and more.



Zodiac: Scorpio

favorite hex code: #5b8e43

favorite Emoji: 🦧

rgb or cmyk: cmyk

Featured Project

Mco El Que Lo Lea

As a Venezuelan, I grew up playing card and board games. Lately, with the rise of “witty” card games, I have been enjoying playing card games such as Cards Against Humanity, We Are Not Really Strangers, For The Girls, and What Do You Meme? Even though I speak English fluently, sometimes I feel the language barrier while playing these games, not because I cannot understand what the cards say, but because sometimes the joke or saying is not 100% translatable. By translatable I mean culture wise, different cultures have different lingos. Game is based on relativity; a purpose driven card game and movement all about empowering connections. Even though I will be incorporating humor it will be based on friendships and “inside jokes” so the only requirement to the game would be for players to be friends already. In terms of inclusion, these types of games tend to have expansion packs, the concept would focus on cultures from different countries from Latin America as expansion packs, if you wanted to have more specific cards related to your country. These games could also be combined, to explore multiple cultures across Latin America. The Venezuelan version will be called “MCO EL QUE LO LEA” with a strong and big typeface in order to have the Venezuelan’s attention once they see the card game among others in the store shelves.