Emily swenson

I’m a graphic designer and art director currently living in Gainesville, Florida. My creative work focuses on the intersection of print and digital media, with emphasis on art direction, branding, and editorial design. Drawing inspiration from iconic media and literature, my aesthetic approach centers on conceptuality and incorporates both classic and contemporary elements. With a desire to create bold and visually striking pieces that reflect my personal edge and values, I constantly explore new ways to push creative boundaries.

DISCIPLINE: Art Direction


Zodiac: PISCES

favorite hex code: #D3E041

favorite Emoji: 🐇

rgb or cmyk: RGB

Featured Project

Gelée Magazine

GelĂ©e Magazine (pronounced ‘jelly’) was a student-led creative collective tied to the University of Florida that lived to serve the artistic and unconventional minds of Gainesville, Florida. There are no boundaries, no limits, and no rules as to what GelĂ©e is or does. GelĂ©e Magazine was created in hopes of cultivating a community of young aspiring artists who share a similar mindset in celebrating and exploring art and creativity.

GelĂ©e Magazine’s website can be located here: https://geleeworld.com