Kestae Alexander

Kestae is a graphic designer and artist based in Florida. She is passionate about people, she wants voices to be heard and communities to be empowered. Her goal as a designer is to work closely with communities towards a common goal, using design to love people well. Her favorite kinds of projects involve educating people and elevating communities. After she graduates, she will be interning with Unto, the humanitarian ministry of Cru. The core of her style is minimal and clean. She specializes in typography, geometric layouts, and linear compositions, with an emphasis in research and ideation. Kestae’s strengths lie in her ability to empathize and adapt; she is an organized and strategic designer. In the past, Kestae has designed brand identities, logos, packaging, conference programs, newsletters, magazine layouts, UI/UX design, and has experience with digital photography. She most enjoys branding, layout design, and UI/UX, and is always excited to explore new ventures. Kestae also has experience in painting, sculpture, drawing, hand-lettering, animation, and video editing. Outside of art and design, Kestae likes to play volleyball, go to the beach, drink chai, eat raisins, go for walks in the rain, and travel.

DISCIPLINE: Graphic design

Favorite Typeface: baskerville

Zodiac: Taurus

favorite hex code: #bbbbbb

favorite Emoji: 🤷🏼‍♀️

rgb or cmyk: CMYK

Featured Project

Our Brand

Our Brand is a chocolate company that seeks to educate everyday chocolate eaters about child trafficking in the chocolate industry. With eye-catching colors, hand-drawn graphics, and simple typographic contrast, the brand focuses on standing out, getting chocolate eaters’ attention, humanizing child trafficking, and communicating factual data. Consumers deserve to know what they are supporting when they purchase a product. Our Brand highlights the ethical issues endemic to the global chocolate industry by sharing the lived realities of children who work in cocoa harvesting. Each bar in the set of 4 chocolate bars is a call to action and contains its own educational information. Each statistic builds on the next to create a holistic picture of the ethical issues in the chocolate industry and to inform chocolate eaters how they can help.